Caught Driving Under The Influence Of Marijuana? Two Reasons Why You Should Hire An Attorney

If a law enforcement agent caught you driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana, you have some tough decisions to make.  Even if you've gotten driving tickets before, this is a more serious matter because the penalties can be quite stiff.  That's why it's so vital for you to reach out to an attorney after you've received a DUI charge.  Use this information to learn more about why you should hire a lawyer to help you deal with your DUI case.

An Attorney Can Help To Get The Charge Reduced

One of the main reasons why you should get a lawyer after a DUI charge is because they can be instrumental in helping you get the charge reduced.  This is key because it has important implications for your future.  

Having a DUI charge on your record is not necessarily a good thing.  For example, if you decide that you either want to switch careers or pick up a second job you may look into becoming a delivery driver.  However, if you have a DUI charge on your record it could prove to be exceptionally difficult for you to get work that involves you being behind the wheel.

That's why it's essential that you hire an attorney.  They can negotiate with the court system to try to get the charges reduced.  There may be new laws in place or pending that could amend the stiffness of your penalty.  You won't know unless you get a lawyer on your side who can advise you properly.

A DUI Attorney Can Make Sure That Your Sobriety Test Was Done Legally

Another reason why you should hire a DUI attorney is because they can make sure that the sobriety test was performed legally.  You may not even realize that the officer who charged you with a DUI did not do it appropriately.  Because of this, the evidence may not hold up in court.

It's so important that you know your rights.  You need an experienced legal professional who can comb over the particulars of the event and get your side of the story to ascertain whether or not the sobriety test has a legal leg to stand on.

Hiring a DUI attorney could prove to be one of the best decisions you've made.  Don't wait; the moment you receive a DUI charge contact a lawyer right away so you can enjoy these benefits and much more. Contact a firm like Kassel & Kassel A Group of Independent Law Offices to learn more.

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Understanding Criminal Attorney Services

Hello, my name is Brittany. Welcome to my site. I am here to talk to you about criminal attorneys. When I was accused of a crime I did not commit, I immediately sought help from an attorney. I wanted to obtain the best legal representation possible to avoid being convicted for something I did not do. I worked with my attorney to fight the charges and plead my case to the court. I will use this site to help others facing a similar situation. I will talk about all of the different services offered by criminal attorneys and the various phases of the court process. Thank you.

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