2 Things To Do If You Are Pulled Over For DUI While On Prescription Medication

If you are taking prescription medication, it may affect your driving. It may slow down your reaction time or make it so that you are a little wobbly on the road. If this is true, you may be pulled over under the suspicion that you are driving under the influence. If you do get pulled over, there are things that you can do. 

Take the Breathalyzer

If you haven't been drinking and your medications are affecting the way that you drive, then you should have no problem with taking the breathalyzer. Doing that will show the police officer that you are willing to cooperate with them and prove that you are not operating under the influence of alcohol. Showing that you are willing to cooperate with the police when you have been pulled over is always a good thing and may make the rest of the stop go easier. 

Show Doctor's Documentation

You may talk to your doctor about getting documentation about the medication that you are taking and any effects it may have on you or your driving. If you are going to do that, make sure that the letter is on the doctor's letterhead and isn't a copy. You can keep the letter or documentation with you, or you may want to keep it in your glove compartment with your car's registration. That way you can pull it out at the same time as your registration and offer it up then. You may also want to ask your doctor to put information about whatever reason you are taking that particular medication. Your condition may affect you if you have to do the field sobriety test. For example, if you have a condition that affects your balance, that can affect parts of the field sobriety tests because one of the common parts of the test is that you have to stand on one foot and raise the other a certain height above the ground and hold it up. If your balance is poor or you have to use a cane or other mobility aid, you may have a hard time doing that particular part of the test. 

If you are taking prescription medication that may affect your driving and you get pulled over, there are things that you can do to help your traffic stop go easier. If you do get a ticket or arrested, you can visit a DUI attorney and have them help you with that. 

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Understanding Criminal Attorney Services

Hello, my name is Brittany. Welcome to my site. I am here to talk to you about criminal attorneys. When I was accused of a crime I did not commit, I immediately sought help from an attorney. I wanted to obtain the best legal representation possible to avoid being convicted for something I did not do. I worked with my attorney to fight the charges and plead my case to the court. I will use this site to help others facing a similar situation. I will talk about all of the different services offered by criminal attorneys and the various phases of the court process. Thank you.

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